Day Eight
We were up earlier than normal this morning and on the road by 7.15am.
Within meters we came across this huge Scottish monster…
We knew today would be hard, we had to ride up and over the Scottish ski fields, Glen Shee and Leich. We rode across the Cain Gorms and into the high lands. It has been an utterly stunning day.
As luck would have it there was no rain, only sunshine!
We even had time to play…
And I kept myself 100% hydrated with Irn Bru!!!
101miles today. I can’t quite believe that my ankles are doing ok. My body seems to be getting the hang of; waking up, cycling for 12hrs (ish), eating huge amounts all day and then passing out at night. It’s a simple life!
As a team we’re getting into sync – we’re all a similar pace and on the flats we’re drafting well (at about 25mph!).
Steve Ukalele has joined the team today. I was excited because I thought he would bring his ukalele and play us a few tunes, but apparently he doesn’t play! He has just cooked us the most delicious dinner though and is cooking for the next couple of nights – perfect!
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