In Chamonix with RAB

With RAB in Chamonix - Kit faff!


I am really excited to be working with RAB and delighted that they are offical sponsors for my upcoming Everest trip.  As you can see from my last post I have been trying and testing some of my RAB kit out here in the Alps.  Just recently I headed over to Chamonix and did some work with the RAB team – luckily the weather gods were smiling and the blue skys were amazing!




Squash in Chamonix with RAB – Click on this link to see what we were doing…

We found an IGLOO to sleep in!! – Click on this link to see where we slept!

Being so high was excellent altitude training.







The original plan was to sleep out on the mountain, however when we came across this huge igloo that had been built with a snowcat we decided to sleep in there, it was -17’c inside… A lot warmer than outside!

The igloo we slept in!
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