Nepal, Everest Summit Anniversary, & Toblerone
It’s four years today since I was on top of the world, literally.

I’m careful where I use the word luck, because to hold luck responsible for something isn’t always accurate and can take away from the effort involved. However, I can definitely say, especially in light of recent events in Nepal, I was lucky enough to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
This morning there was news of a second huge earthquake in Nepal and I wanted to help, I wanted to do something. My single donation felt like a drop in the ocean but together with other donations all of a sudden ‘we’ can make a difference.
I had an idea to reward donations with Toblerone. A dear friend, knowing my love for chocolate, had recently given me a 4.5kg bar of Toblerone and I thought, perhaps people will donate to the efforts in Nepal and in return I can share a huge chunk of chocolate.

That was this morning. Just 10hours later through generous donations, the Toblerone is almost gone and the £500 target that I wanted to raise has been met.
I can’t think of a better way to have recognised my summit anniversary than to have contributed to the efforts being made to help re build Nepal.
There is still a few chunks of Toblerone left, so if you can donate, please do. I have chosen the following four charities to support because I personally know the people who are responsible for where the funding is going.
I’m asking for donations of at least £43 for a chunk of toblerone, simply donate to one of the above charities, let me know and I’ll send you chocolate!
Thank you.
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