Ready to go…
It was February when I mentioned I’d be interested in cycling from Lands End to John O Groats. I then had another conversation in June which went something like, “I think I can get myself bike fit in three months, can I join the team?!”
And now; three months, lots of lycra, protein shakes, a very groovy Scott bike & a few thousand miles peddled (ok a few hundred) later I’m writing this blog… on the road, from the comfort of a camper van, en route to lands end where tomorrow morning (at 7am) the big bike ride will begin!
This evening after a very long four-train journey to Glastonbury (brilliant with huge kit bag & bike) I met up with the rest of the team; Woodey, Welly & Matt (& Adrian our support driver). I was seriously impressed to be greeted by delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Matt had just ‘knocked a little something up’… Spinach & mushroom pasta (optional salmon & bacon) finished with parmesan. Amazing – especially if that’s a taste of things to come!
I was also presented with my new team cycling top. Generously donated by Butcombe breweries… The boys are especially delighted that our main sponsor is a brewery, apparently the ‘sports cider’ has really helped with their training.
Tonight we expect to reach Lands End by 11pm, ish, where we’ll get set up for the night in a very lovely camper van. I have to say as much as I like camping outside when it’s snowing, raining, windy & -30’c sometimes it is nice to have a bit of comfort.
I was amused and delighted by a gift that came from the girls who Matt works with. I’ve never met them before. They sent me a spray bottle of odour eliminator. I then got a second gift from the guys friend, Steve Ukelele, who I’ve met just once before. A can of air freshener! There’s a theme and yes I’m worried. Let’s face it though I’m in a camper with four blokes… What did I expect?!
Big thank you for the gifts. (Steve also gave me earplugs & chocolate – the chocolate only made the first 10mins of the journey!)
I will be blogging on here throughout the journey but for even more info and updates take a look at our team website –
If you can spare a pound or two please donate via my charities page, it’s hugely appreciated & all for very good causes –
Today I am wearing my Lands End to John O Groats knickers… Naturally I have a clean pair of carefully chosen knickers for each day of the trip, however they will only be worn in the evenings. If you’re going to be a professional cyclist I’ve been informed wearing knickers under your shorts in a big No-No.
I’m looking forward to getting the first hundred miles done
tomorrow, then there’ll only be another 917 to go!