Wings of Kilimanjaro – Less than a month to go!
On the 26th January I will be leaving the UK and heading to Tanzania Africa to join over 100 other adventurers to begin a rather remarkable journey.
These things come round so fast. I can’t believe it’s happening this month!
The preparation for a climb and fly expedition begin a long time before the start of the trip but generally the last few weeks before you depart things can get very busy!
Kit is an essential part of my expeditions and I’m always on the look out for the best possible kit I can use, trust and rely on. I actively seek to work with brands that I personally really enjoy using, genuinely believe in and as a result have no issues telling the world about!
Recently I used a Peli head torch and was amazed, it’s a brilliant piece of kit. Peli hadn’t really been on my radar but if you look on their website you’ll probably recognise their logo and their product – best known for their tough cases they also manufacture lighting systems.
I have since been in touch with Peli and have been testing some products. Delighted with the results I have become a Peli Ambassador and they are partnering with me on the Wings of Kilimanjaro trip.
I am now in the Alps and this is the perfect place for me to do my final few weeks training, which mostly involves hiking up the slopes with a pack on my back and then skiing back down! Whilst I’m here I’m hoping to get a few flights in too.
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