Wings of Kilimanjaro – The Lord Mayor’s House and Packing my bags!
There’s just 24hrs to go until I board a plane and get on my way to Kilimanjaro!
It’s been a ridiculously busy week and there’s still loads to do.
You’d think by now I’d have the packing thing sorted but I haven’t! It still takes me ages and right up to the last minute I’m generally in clothes and kit chaos…
Yesterday I had the pleasure of going to Mansion House to attend a Charity Lunch hosted by the Lord Mayor and fellow Wings of Kili pilot, Adrian Leppard. I was there to speak about our imminent event – Wings of Kilimanjaro. It was a stunning lunch and in two hours almost £10,000 was raised for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and The Wings of Kilimanjaro Charities.
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